A Secret Farm Ville in Tawau....
Farm ville is the game you only play most in such a popular social network.I shouldn't mention it to you because I bet you guys already know what I mean. In this case, do you guys know how hard the work when you be the real farmer? Do you ever harvest the fruits for the real? How hard you guys got to take care of your own farm from encountering such a violence? If you don't have any experience about farm, try do it with your own!^^ Actually, I travel the town where it became my second home already because I study here for five years and this year is the ending of my grading degree so I wish I can travel more this town deeply before I get back to my first home. So, I wanted to share pictures with you guys about a farm ville that I adore and very attractive on how this worker planting the vegetable. I couldn't take my eyes from this most beautiful farm ville. It really looks organize and the farm ville is in a good condition too...the farm ville is really look fine! .:: F